Development Engineer Jobs in Kathu
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jobs 16 - 19 of 19
Blasting Engineer- Khumani King
- Kathu | Apr 19, 2021 Omnia (Pty) LTD
- Omnia (Pty) LTD - Kathu, Northern Cape - - To research, develop and test blasting optimisation technology and analyse models, as well as provide high-tech consulting
Blasting Engineer- Postmansburg (Mamatwan)
- Kathu | Dec 19, 2020 Omnia (Pty) LTD
- Omnia (Pty) LTD - Kathu, Northern Cape - - To research, develop and test blasting optimisation technology and analyse models, as well as provide high-tech consulting
Control Systems Engineer
- Kathu | Dec 12, 2020
- Kathu, Northern Cape - Kathu - This position is responsible for the design, development and testing of any given control system according to client specific
Control Systems Engineer
- Kathu | Nov 30, 2020
- Kathu, Northern Cape - Kathu - This position is responsible for the design, development and testing of any given control system according to client specific